This is the first tree of your own forest

OKNO-Performance „this is the first tree of your own forest“ by Manu Büchting // 22.09.2024 // 5 pm We leave traces. As living beings on this planet, we create and make things, walk through the day, eat, drink, sleep. All of our activities leave traces. Some visible, some invisible, sometimes just a trace in the …

Girlands for the streets

Installation „GIRLANDS FOR THE STREETS“ by Lila Kalinowska & Jadwiga Sawicka with Sound by Andrzej Juszczyk // 20.09.2024 Several installations in the window of Sebastian’s studio, (other windows or/and  public space?) floral and plant compositions loosely relating to the form of wreaths, formal bouquets and other decorative floral arrangements. Made of local plants and personalized with …

Contact Zone

site-specific performance „Contact zone“ by Adam Michálek // 26.09.2024 Adam Michálek’s site specific performance reflected the history of Miejski Dom Kultury in Zgorzelec (PL), especialy the removal of statues exhibited in the main hall. Here Michálek enters the space through a side stairway and begins to sing and tune to the resonance of the hall, …


OKNO Performance “ All is connected but me“ by Christian R. Schmidt // 21.09.2024 ALL IS CONNECTED BUT MEbut a cold day everywhere with temperatures of just eight celsius and a brisk north eastleigh wind EQUAL AMONG EQUALS wietrze, porwij mnie w świat pokaż mi miejsca gdzie domy nie mają aż tylu lat GIVE ME …


EPILOGUE // 02.11.2024 // site-specific performances in Görlitz Epilogue is the last part of this years stre!fen performance art festival. On that day you can see three performances by local artists of our association.


STRE!FEN 2023 | THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN Our stre!fen performance art festival 2023 took place together with all of youand has now come to an end! Wir danken euch für 33 Performances in Görlitz-Zgorzelec, Zittau und Ralskomit zahlreichen unschätzbaren Momenten und Begegnungen in einem Projekt,das uns viele neue Perspektiven und Erfahrungen gebracht …

SOUNDs of STRE!FEN Ausstellung und Begleitveranstaltungen – DE | PL

Ausstellung internationaler Performancekunst in Görlitz 30. September – 8. OktoberGörlitz, Berlinerstraße 4411:00-17:00, Ruhetage: Mi & Do Programm 29. September, 18:00 | Görlitz, Berlinerstraße 44Vernissage mit Performance von Lorena Izquierdo (ES) 2. Oktober, 19:30 | Görlitz, Berlinerstraße 44Filmabend: Signers Koffer, unter der Regie von Peter Liechti 3. Oktober, 16:00 | Zgorzelec, Maratońska 1doppel:punkt – Performance von …

PAS | Performance Art Studies #84 – CITY SYMPHONY

27 August – 3 September 2023In Görlitz and Zgorzelec PAS is collaborating with the stre!fen Performance Art Festival for the fourth time. After three successful PAS studies in 2020, 2021 and 2022 we continue the bonds and exchange that we have established to deepen site-specific performance art research. An 8-day learning program offering a practical, …

The Dance of the Receptors – BBB Johannes Deimling

Live Performance | Miejski Dom Kultury Zgorzelec | 01.07.2023, 18:00 DE „The Dance of the Receptors“ ist ein Arbeitszyklus von auf Performance basierten Kunstvideos und Live-Performances, der die unglaubliche biochemische Arbeit der Rezeptoren als Ausgangspunkt für die künstlerische Forschung und Transformation nutzt. BBB Johannes Deimling verwendet die Technik der Collage, um eine vielschichtige Bildsprache zu …