Franziska Hänel (DE)

Franziska Hänel (DE) // 02.11.2024 // 3 pm // Kino Palast-Theater, Jakobsstraße 16 // site specific performance // EPILOGUE

Franziska Mauermann is part of the organisation group for the STRE!FEN Performance Art Festival located in Görlitz. She is born in 1996 and grew up in the countryside of saxony. As Franziska Hänel, her pseudonym, she acts as visual and performance artist. Since 2014 she has many experiences in project management, through a lot of voluntary annual work. She has a certificate in performance art, made in 2022, and in sexuality consulting, made in 2023. Her Artistic Work involves next to performance art also installations, paintings, collages, music and poems. The topics concerning her art are mostly controverse, for example she tries to bring out very difficult connoted emotions in her audience and viewers. Also she is working on some collaborations with other artists. Additional to her work at the STRE!FEN e.V. she is currently working as project manager.

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